Thursday, May 16, 2013

Pork Up! New Rafute score (Muchi Muchi Pork! Ver 1.01)

I decided to give Rafute another credit in Ver 1.01 today, and nearly reached my goal of 400+mil with a score of 395,134,670.

I got 194mil in the first loop, which is the first time I've scored so high with Rafute, but I also had a double chain break (where the chain breaks to the 1,000 medal value, you immediately accidentally die as the last 1,000 medal is falling off the screen, and your chain breaks again down to the 100 medal value) in Stage 5, which is the first time I think that's ever happened to me. I actually laughed out loud when it happened, and reached for the reset button, but then I thought, "what the heck, I'll keep playing". I'm glad I did. Thankfully the double chain break occurred toward the end of Stage 5 in a section that I get no more than 2~3 million from usually, and I had the medal value back up to 10K for the final curtain section before the boss. There were some other errors here and there so I should be able to do 200+mil in the first loop with her, eventually.

On a brighter note, I did not have any chain breaks in the second loop, and I think that's the first time I've done that as well! So this run was full of "firsts", most good, but one pretty bad.

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